Management and Security of Network and System Services

Team leader: Thomas Djotio Ndie
: ENSP/University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon

Contact :

Co-team leader Inria: Isabelle Chrismente
: Inria Nancy


Inria’s associated team : MADYNES (Nancy)


This Project has aimed to define, validate and implement new solutions (tools, models and services) in the fields of the administration, the monitoring and security of network and system in general. The results of this research aimed at : repercussions on the mastering, the deployment and the acceptance of the secured wireless sensor networks in the multiples environments; study and coupling proven models such as GSM, GPRS and adapted them to the fixed and mobile ad hoc networks; directly improving the life quality for people in developing countries.

The research activities have included four main axes:

  1. Configuration management in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN);
  2. Intrusion detection in WSNs ;
  3. Wireless networks services for developing countries ;
  4. Mobile-based services and applications.

Industrial and International Relationsships

  1. The first two axes are developed within the framework of international cooperation with our Inria partner, EPI MADYNES;
  2. The third axis is part of a broader collaboration with Fraunhofer Fokus Germany. The last axe of research results from the cross-collaboration with other LIRIMA teams projects, especially with ALOCO

Some publications of the team

Articles dans les revues avec comité de lecture


  1. T. N. Djotio, Tangha, C., & Fopack, G. B., (2012) `MAMNID: A Load Balance Network Diagnosis Model Based On Mobile Agents’; JIS: Journal of Information Security, October 2012, Vol 3 No 4 , PP.281-294 DOI:10.4236/jis.2012.34035
  2. Thomas Djotio Ndie and Claude Tangha (2012) “Agent Virus of Cooperation (Avicoop): an Intelligent Model of Cooperation and Collaboration Based on the MAS for Data Exchange in Ad hoc Network”; IJCSI Volume 9, Issue 5, PP.328-339
  3. T. N. Djotio, J. S. N. Nouho, (2012) “Problem of Standardization of Configuration Data in Wireless Sensor Networks: The Case of Routing Protocols”; WSN: Wireless Sensor Network, July 2012, Vol 4 No 7, pp177-184. (DOI: 10.4236/wsn.2012.47026)
  4. Djotio T.N., Tangha, C., Samgbong, T., Formenah, A. K.,(2011) “Mobile Applications Provisioning Using Bluetooth Wireless Technology”; Journal of Software Engineering & Applications, Fev 2011, Vol 4 No 2 , pp95-105
  5. Djotio, T.N., Tangha, C.,& Fongang, R.L. (2011) `RTE-AMO: A Round-Trip Engineering {Based Approach for Software Maintenance Optimization on a MDA Engine: application to OptimaDev’,  Journal of Computations & Modelling, vol.1, no.1, 2011, 1-16 ISSN: 1792-7625 (print), 1792-8850 (online) International Scientific Press, 2011.
  6. Batchakui, B., Djotio T. N., Tangha, (2011) ; `VeSMEL : a novel approach for distance management of e-learning platforms.’ International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) extended version from IEEE EDUCON 2011 pp20-24; May 2011
  7. Djotio, T.N., Tangha, C.,& Ekwoge,E.F. (2010) `MDA (Model-Driven Architecture) as a Software Industrialization Pattern: an approach for a Pragmatic Software Factories’, Journal of Software Engineering & Applications, June 2010, Vol 3 No 6, pp561-571.

Communications with Proceedings


  1. Thomas Djotio Ndie, Vanel Steve Siyou Fotso, An optimization approach for fault tolerance in centralized networkarchitectures, fifth EAI IEEE AFRICOMM Conference in November 25-27, 2013 Blantyre, Malawi
  2. Francis Olivier TATSINKOU, Thomas Djotio Ndie, RPWCN or Roaming Protocol in Wireless Community Network, fifth EAI IEEE AFRICOMM Conference in November 25-27, 2013 Blantyre, Malawi
  3. Foyang Silvere, Thomas Djotio Ndie, WDRA (Wi-Fi Direct Routing Algorithm): an algorithm for a Proximity Telephony in Wireless Networks based on WI-FI Direct Technology and SIP Signaling Protocol, fifth EAI IEEE AFRICOMM Conference in November 25{27, 2013 Blantyre, Malawi
  4. P. O. KAMGUEU, E. Nataf, T. Djotio, O. Festor (2013): “Energy-based. Metric for the Routing Protocol in Low-power and Lossy Network”, in Proceedings of 2nd International conference on sensor networks SENSORNETS 2013, 19 – 22 Feb. 2013, Barcelona – Spain
  5. Hubert Kenfack and Thomas Djotio, “Vers une approche semantique de la detection des cyberattaques” Proceedings de la Conference de Recherche en Informatique (CRI)’13
  6. Francis Olivier TATSINKOU and Thomas Djotio IMPLEMENTATION DU PROTOCOLE RPWCN (Roaming Protocol in Wireless Community Network) Proceedings de la Conference de Recherche en Informatique (CRI)’13
  7. Thomas Djotio Ndie: RuKaCS: A Community Services and Proximity Networks Project Framework for Bridging Digital Divide in Rural Cameroon. IEEE & EAI 4th AFRICOMM 2012: pp34-44
  8. Soulamite Judith Nouho Noutat, Thomas Djotio Ndie, Claude Tangha: Wireless Community Network Services: Opportunities and Challenges for DCs: Case of Rural Cameroon. IEEE & EAI 4th AFRICOMM 2012: pp308-317
  9. Djotio, T.N., Tangha, C.,& B. Janwouo (2012) \GIApSCart: A Geo-Intelligence Application Based on Semantic Cartography”, IEEE SETIT 2012 (21-24 March), pp 106-113
  10. Batchakui, B., Djotio T. N., Tangha, (2011) ; `VeSMEL : a novel approach for distance management of e-learning platforms.’ IEEE EDUCON 2011, pp386 – 391
  11. I. Tiako, T. N., Djotio, C. Tangha, P. F. Tiako, (2012) “VeSMEC : A VeSMp BASED protocol for Sustainable electronic commerce”; WASET’12: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, pp973-980
  12. Batchakui, B., Djotio T. N., Tangha, C., Ngatchui, A. (2012) “Extension de VeSMEL pour la manipulation des contenus dans le m-Learning,”, PPxxx-xxx CARI’12
  13. Batchakui, B., Djotio T. N., Tangha, (2011) ; `VeSMEL : a novel approach for distance management of e-learning platforms.’ IEEE EDUCON 2011, pp386 – 391
  14. Kenfack, Hubert Ngankam, et al. “Une ontologie pour la description des intrusions dans les RCSFs.” CFIP 2011-Colloque Francophone sur l Ingenierie des Protocoles. 2011
  15. Thomas Ndie Djotio, Bernabe Batchakui, Claude Tangha: VeSMDiag: a very short message protocol (VeSMp) based system for remote medical diagnosis. ICEGOV 2010: 369
  16. B., Tangha, C., Nkambou, R., Djotio T. N. (2010) ; `xMoodle2.0 : Une perspective pour la diminution de la charge cognitive de l’apprenant dans la plateforme Moodle.’ CARI’2010, from October 18th to 21st

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