News on ARIMA Journal

logo2-arimaARIMA Journal is a result of scientific cooperation between Africa and northen countries that has taken place over the last two decades in the framework of CARI (the African Conference for the Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics). It is a channel for disseminating the results of this cooperation. The scientific area of the Journal includes all research topics in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics.

ARIMA Journal has moved to the Episciences platform: provides a technical platform of peer-reviewing; its purpose is to promote the emergence of epijournals, namely open access electronic journals taking their contents from preprints deposited in open archives such as arXiv or HAL, that have not been published elsewhere.
The editorial boards of such epijournals organize peer reviewing and scientific discussion of selected or submitted preprints. Epijournals can thus be considered as “overlay journals” built above the open archives; they add value to these archives by attaching a scientific caution to the validated papers.” (excerpt from which you may consult to get more information on Epi-Journals).

The procedure to submit a paper to ARIMA Journal is as follows:
• Deposit your article on the platform HAL: which requires creating an account (login and password) on CCSD unless you already have one.
• Take care to fill all fields (title, abstract, keywords) in both French and English as our journal is bilingual. Warning: You must use the type “pre-print” when depositing HAL and not the type “article”.
• You get a code for your deposit of the form hal-0000000.
• Go to the new website of ARIMA journal: and log in using your account CCSD (right bar button “CCSD” at the top of the page).
• Once connected to the journal website with your login / password CCSD some additional links appear. One such link allows you to access to your “dashboard” where you can find information about your submissions or papers you have to read. Another link allows you to submit a new article. By clicking on it you can submit your paper by giving its code on HAL plateform. You will have to specify the volume you are submitting your paper to. It corresponds to the current issue or a special issue. One can submit to a special issue by using an access code sent with the invitation to participate to this special issue.
• In order to submit a revised version of a paper you only need to update your file on the HAL plateform (the system will automatically be informed that a new version has been produced). Warning: do not create a new deposit on HAL plateform for a revised version.

You are kindly invited to submit special issues of the ARIMA journal. A special issue can be dedicated to a workshop or a conference, but it can also be dedicated to a specific topic for which you want to invite authors to submit contributions. For this purpose you must present your project to the Editorial Board of the journal specifying the proponents (who are the editors of this volume) a presentation of the special issue and its programme committee. If the project is accepted the editorial process of this volume will be carried out by the responsibles of this special issue.

The ARIMA Journal intends to update and expand its Editorial Board in order to improve the quality and timeliness of reports returned to authors. If you wish to take part to the Editorial Board of ARIMA Journal please propose your candidacy to the Editors in Chief of the journal ( stating your research interests and attaching a short CV. Since the Journal is bilingual (papers can be written in either French or English), thank you to specify whether you accept to read articles written in French.

Mathematical Reviews has decided to include ARIMA Journal in MathSciNets and we are currently proceeding to its indexation by Zentralblatt Math.

This journal is yours, thank you for contributing to its succes by submitting your scientific results, proposing special issues and devoting your time to evaluate submitted papers.

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