
Numerics for water treatment  research

Brahim Cherki

Brahim Cherki

Team leader: Brahim Cherki
: Tlemcen University, Algeria


Co-team leader Inria: Fabien Campillo
: Inria Sophia Antipolis (Montpellier)


Inria’s associated team: MODEMIC (Sophia Antipolis/Montpellier)


The NuWat  Team  focuses  on the numerical modeling and simulation of microbial ecosystems and their application in biotechnology with a focus on solutions considered as promising for countries of the Maghreb.

In this context, the research topics  will handle:

  1. On the one hand the elaboration of numerical hybrid models for simulation of bacterial ecosystems combining discrete models (for small size populations) and continuous models (for large size populations, substrate and environment): this theme appears to be strategic as conventional continuous models are not able to account for all the phenomena.
  2. On the other hand NuWat will develop numerical tools for the control and simulation of biotechnology process. The team will start a reflection about the software framework to adopt (choice of languages, development tools, etc.) and also address the question of interface between the process, data acquisition and processing; and the question of software development.

Two major research axes will be developed:

  • New  tools for simulation and modeling
  • Numerical tools for optimization, identification and control.


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