Component Based Software Architectures
Team leader: Claude Tangha
Affiliation : ENSP/University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon
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Co-team leader Inria : Eric Badouel
Affiliation : Inria Rennes
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Inria’s associated teams : SUMO, ZENITH (Rennes, Sophia Antipolis)
ALOCO project team activities were concerned with “Distributed Data and Collaborative Systems”.
A large part of the research activity were dedicated to a model of distributed and data-centric collaborative systems with the following objectives in mind:
- Develop business process solutions for administrations and private companies from developing countries by promoting component programming and model driven engineering for the development and reuse of open source softwares;
- Take advantage of some technological innovations (peer-to-peer and distributed service-oriented architectures, lightweighted services on mobile phones) to compensate for the degraded connection to Internet;
- Define domain specific tools for the configuration of workspaces (on desktop environments, tablets, or mobile phones) allowing end-users with low computer literacy to take part in the business processes of their companies or administration;
- Develop some applications (cases studies): A disease surveillance process, a distributed e-learning platform (by contrast with the traditional e-learning platforms based on the client-server technology)