Advanced Modeling of Flows in Douala City in the strong Urbanization and Climate


Principal investigators

  • Raphael Onguene, University of Douala, Cameroon
  • Boniface Nkonga, CASTOR research team, Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée


The project will bring together students (masters and PhDs) and experts from Cameroun and France to work towards developing simulation tools for the interaction of fluvial flows and coastal flows along the Gulf of Guinea and particularly the city of Douala. The project will require the development of new mathematical tools in the analysis of the SSW, which will also be beneficial to the team towards developing appropriate understanding of new methodologies specific to the context of Guinea Gulf. Currently, there is no other known project in this direction. We aim to further engage neighboring countries along the Gulf of Guinea towards developing a complete simulation tool and further training in geophysical modeling and simulation. In collaboration with our colleague of Bangalore (India/University Côte d’Azur collaboration), we have developed a numerical framework (platform) bringing together the components that are necessary for the deployment of new applications in the context of the SSW modeling. It takes full advantage of massively parallel computational and can serve as a practical engineering tool. These tools are quite flexible, developed in the Finite volume framework and can deal with structured as well as unstructured meshes. On the top of this basis, our objective is to develop additional modules that will take into account the specificities of coastal flows in the Gulf of Guinea and contribute to the Douala Sustainable City project. The collected data will help to design the appropriate scaling to be used in the derivation of simplified modeling to be include in the SSW framework. They will also gives some guidelines for strategies of numerical validation.

Key words: Coastal flows and shear interactions, Mathematical modeling, Numerical simulations and predictions, Validations applied to sustainable development

Website: in progress

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