Site web du LIRIMA

What's new at LIRIMA

October 2017 / n° 02



This newsletter, as well as LIRIMA website, are privileged places for sharing information between our research teams and our partners. We thank all contributors and invite everyone to publish news by sending the corresponding information to Laura Norcy.

It is also important to foster the scientific communication within LIRIMA but also with our external collaborators. For that purpose, we intend to create a "LIRIMA Seminar"  that will consist in regularly scheduled online forums. Any LIRIMA member will have the opportunity to book a session by suggesting a topic and a list of persons to invite. To start with, such a forum would take the form of an audioconference combined with the sharing of documents but any suggestion of tools for either the conferencing system or the associated workflow is welcome.

The most recent news in LIRIMA's community are first, the success of the thirteenth edition of CARI in Tunisia, that was associated with a CIMPA-ICPAM Research School on the "Mathematics for Biology",  and second, the fact that ARIMA journal moved to the Episciences platform. More information on these news can be found below. 

Eric Badouel, Moussa Lo

Directors of LIRIMA


Internet of Things (IoT) largely contributes to the Internet technology evolution and its usage. Our world is constantly growing in complexity as well as urban population, that are and become more and more dependent on the Internet. Just to mention a simple example, the IoT will allow a better monitoring of the world safety, limit the loss of natural resources, provide helpful smart objects to users within health or financial services, etc.

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The goal of EPICARD is to develop new mathematical approaches for solving different inverse problems in cardiac electrophysiology, in order to help cardiologist to better diagnosis the electrical pathologies in the heart.

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ARIMA Journal is a result of scientific cooperation between Africa and northen countries that has taken place over the last two decades in the framework of CARI (the African Conference for the Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics). It is a channel for disseminating the results of this cooperation. The scientific area of the Journal includes all research topics in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics.

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The thirteenth edition of CARI, the African Conference for Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, was held in Hammamet (Tunisia) from 12th to 14th of October, 2016. It was preceded with a CIMPA-ICPAM Research School on the « Mathematics for Biology ». It was the first time that the tutorials that usually preceded CARI are replaced by a CIMPA-ICPAM Research School.

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Le chercheur Cédric Villani, Médaille Fields 2010, investit dans le projet des instituts AIMS, des centres d’excellence africains en mathématiques. On apprend beaucoup de choses en parlant avec le plus célèbre mathématicien français. Que les Béninois sont les plus performants dans la discipline, ou que la France est en train de rater une opportunité.

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Pour la troisième édition des « Débats du Monde Afrique», la rédaction du Monde a choisi la ville de Dakar pour débattre des grands enjeux de l’orientation, de la formation et de l’accès à l’emploi des jeunes africains de l’ouest.

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